Dart & Flutter - Zero to Mastery [2023] + Clean Archite

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Dart & Flutter - Zero to Mastery [2023] + Clean Archite
  • 40h 16m Duration
  • 124 Lectures

Dart & Flutter - Zero to Mastery [2023] + Clean Archite

What you’ll learn

  1. Setup Dart & Flutter environment (Windows, Mac..)
  2. Dart Syntax. Learn and use the basics of the programming language Dart.
  3. All the important basics of the Flutter Framework in one small app. UI, navigation, animations, theming
  4. Professional Software Development: Clean software architecture implemented in an app that you can use as a template at any time.
  5. Layer Separation
  6. Clean Architecture
  7. Dependency Injection
  8. State Management with BLoC/Cubit & Provider
  9. Unit Testing, Widget Testing, Golden Tests & Integration Testing
  10. The course is always CURRENT and will be expanded!
  11. Extra: Discord Community!
  12. This course is the English version of the best-rated German Flutter course on Udemy!
  13. Adaptive Layout
  14. Forms + Validation with Cubits
  15. Hive


  1. This course is suitable for programming beginners and for people who come from another language and want to get started with app development with Flutter.


With this course, we empower developers worldwide and unite them in a thriving community!
Dive into app development with Flutter and benefit from professional insights gained from years of Freelancer experience, going beyond the basics.
Discover the essential aspects of successful projects, focusing on maintainable, scalable, and efficient software architecture that will serve you throughout your career.

Suitable for all skill levels, this course takes you from your first Flutter app to professional software architecture, functional programming, testing, and more.
Capitalize on the numerous opportunities provided by the young Flutter framework, as the demand for skilled developers continues to rise.
Enjoy the engaging development experience with Flutter and the Dart language!

We’re excited to have you on board!
-> UP TO DATE: The course and all projects were last updated in March 2023.
-> Latest Update – Flutter Version: 3.7.7
-> Course Compatible with Flutter Version 2.5 +

What will we learn?

  1. Basic course Dart – basics of programming
  2. Basic course Flutter – basics of app development with Flutter
  3. Clean architecture – professional development with Flutter
  4. Testing – unit testing, widget testing, golden tests, integration testing
  5. ToDo App – Adaptive Layout – we create a responsive ToDo App that supports adaptive layouts, uses forms, and has different local data sources including hive
Dart Basics
Begin with the fundamentals of Dart programming, covering essential concepts and setting up your development environment with VS Code. Progress from understanding variables to mastering object orientation and asynchronous programming.

Flutter Basics
Explore the key elements of UI creation with Flutter, learning everything needed to craft your own app interfaces. Delve into framework functionality, individual UI components, themes, animations, navigation, and more!

Clean Architecture
Develop a simple app to learn the principles of clean software architecture for proper app development.
Implement a bulletproof clean code software architecture with clear layer separation, applicable to any client app. Master this approach to achieve extremely high-quality software standards. Integrate the BLoC pattern for clean business logic and UI separation, resulting in a testable project. Utilize dependency injection and functional programming, while covering unit testing, widget testing, and integration testing to thoroughly evaluate your app.

ToDo App – Adaptive Layout
Based on this App we will go over different topics, so we create an app that supports the new Material3 Adaptive Layout. We go into the basic Form functions and as a bonus, we move the validation logic into a Cubit. In this app, we will use different local data sources to store all data, to have permanent storage we will use the Hive package. The complete navigation is using Navigator 2.0 with the go_router package.

WIP: ToDo App - Firebase
We expanded our ToDo-App and added different Firebase services to it. Like authentication, storing our todos in a firestore, crash reporting, and so on. We have added Authentication, Firestore, and Crashlytics already to this section, feel free to take a look.

Video Size: 33 GB

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